
labor demand中文是什么意思

  • 劳动力需求



  • 例句与用法
  • The son of zeus and alcmene , a hero of extraordinary strength who won immortality by performing 12 labors demanded by hera
  • Our key move of expanding labor demand and resolving rural employment is to bring about rural industrialization , and to promote transfer of rural surplus labor
  • In the early , the culture has an important effect on the jvs which belong to high labor demanding industries , but in the upper phase , the technology resourses has more significant influence than the culture on those from high technology demanding industries
  • Our study shows through economic channels ( reduction in labor demand , relative price change , fiscal retrenchment , changes in the value of assets , worsen of social environment ) , and via the channels of financial transfer which from non - participants to participants of the financial sector , financial crises and it ' s resolution worsened the distribution of income and poverty in ldcs
  • Based on the research of anhui province , the basic conclusion of labor supply and demand of rural area in the construction of new rural area are as follows : labor supply is generally larger than labor demand ; the speed of economic growth is the decisive factor of the gap between labor supply and labor demand ; and the shortage of scientific and technical workers in the rural area will be the important characteristics
  • 百科解释
In economics, labor demand refers to the number of hours of hiring that an employer is willing to do based on the various exogenous (externally determined) variables it is faced with, such as the wage rate, the unit cost of capital, the market-determined selling price of its output, etc. The function specifying the quantity of labor that would be demanded at any of various possible values of these exogenous variables is called the labor demand function.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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